Arcadea Projects

Learn more about what we do through our catalogue of projects.

Recent Projects

A Drop in the Ocean

A Drop in the Ocean

So concerned, was digital artist Fisheye, that the art created by people with disabilities remains underfunded and unrecognised, that he took the drastic step of taking a Boxing Day Dip in the freezing cold North Sea. He was joined by 8 other ‘dippers’ who all helped to show their support for Arcadea and art created

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Brain Awareness Week – Mitochondria Artwork

Brain Awareness Week – Mitochondria Artwork

For Brain Awareness Week a group of scientists from the Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research visited the HUB and introduced the participants to their research, discussing the many different facets of the research group’s interest in mitochondria and the brain. Our members were then invited to produce artwork inspired by the research, to be exhibited

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People enjoying tea at Wormwood Canteen

Newcastle Late Shows

Newcastle Late Shows

Joyriders delight at the return of our thrilling four lane Scalextric circuit, though crime doesn’t pay as you will discover in the Wormwood Hubs canteen. Wet your whistle with a brew alongside the other inmates and under the watchful eye of our prison guards. Find out where it all went wrong for some of the

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