Thursdays are Quiet

Wednesday 2.10.13

Wednesday and as usual it was baking in the morning with the help of Sara our Portuguese painter. The group baked Chocolate Chip Cookies, nothing overcooked this time and a hefty batch left over for other users of our building, which is always popular.

Meanwhile, there was a well-attended Board meeting to get on with. Lots of business to get through; accounts, safeguarding, future planning, evaluating and so on, and a new board member (Dianne, a parent of one of our younger members) to introduce. The Board was happy with the progress being made and agreed to the staff’s proposal that we look at establishing a Youth Club (and possibly a Night Club) in the new year.

In the afternoon we started digging out the “Downton Abbey” style costumes that have been lent to us by Martine at Sensory Spaces, we are doing a photo shoot we are planning for the Halloween party. Oh and the toner finally turned up.

A lovely young man came for a look around today and seemed really keen to join, we have offered a free trial, hopefully, he will take it up and decide to stay with us.

Thursday 3.10.13

Thursdays are Charles Street days, which is a community centre in the east of Newcastle. This means that the Studio space is empty and quiet (which is always weird) and I get to catch up with office work.  At Charles Street the group will be making Bats n Rats and working with Jo editing the horror movie shots we took on Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully, we will see the rough cut on Monday.

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